ALT+B (opens observer menu which enables fly/noclip mode
/add <username> (add the user to your player list, only usable in observer mode, must have player targeted when you do it)
/remove <username> (Remove player from the player list (observer mode only)
/add (Use this command to add a blank button, and being abble to leave the follow mode)
//Race codes
0 Bellato
1 Cora
2 Accretia
//GM Char Powers
%lv XX (ex: %lv 30 change your level)
%xyz (Show your in game coordinates)
%neverdie (Set HP Fix Mode = never die)
%no neverdie (Release HP Fix Mode)
%matchless (killing one shot everything)
%no matchless (Release Matchless Mode)
%transparent (you are transparent for all : you cannot hit with this mode)
%no transparent (Release Transparent Mode)
%show me the dalant XXX (give you if no value specified, else give you amount you set)
%show me the gold XXX (give you if no value specified, else give you amount you set)
%beggar (Drops all the items the mob has, which is a LOT!)
%no beggar (Turns off beggar)
%god hand (make you a god maker for upgrate item just use one talic and its sucess)
%chicken hand (opposite of god hand)
%circle (Display amount of players near you)
%total (Display amount of users online for each race)
%normal attack point (Set Normal Attack Point Mode)
%min attack point (Set Min Attack Point Mode)
%max attack point (Set Max Attack Point Mode)
%full force (before doing this clear you inventory of spell (F) then do it and relog you got all spell listed GM)
%pass quest (Pass your last obtained quest, and give you rewards)
%allskill XXX (ex: %allskill 999999999 = max = GM)
%kick <username> (Kick out of game XXXX player)
%chatban <username> (Mute XXXX player)
# text (GM chat)
! text (Gm announcement)
/town (moves you to the HQ of your particular race)
/move <username> (/move TestPlayer = port you to TestPlayer position)
%charcall <username> (It will teleport player to you)
%jump mapname X Y Z (Port you to coordinates on particular map Y = HEIGHT variable and 0,0,0 in the center of the map)
%goto ship (Port you inside transportation ship)
%goto mine (Port you in front of mine core)
%eder 0 (Port you to ether in bellato base)
%eder 1 (Port you to ether in cora base)
%eder 2 (Port you to ether in accretia base)
%port 0 (Port you to bellato HQ)
%port 1 (Port you to cora HQ)
%port 2 (Port you to accretia HQ)
%goto stone 0 (Port you to bellato Control Center)
%goto stone 1 (Port you to cora Control Center)
%goto stone 2 (Port you to accretia Control Center)
%jump Platform01 12544 1357 -3215 (Cora ether sky jail)
%jump Platform01 -4737 3406 11077 (Bell ether sky jail)
%jump Platform01 -11118 3700 -430 (Acc ether sky jail)
%rate-info (Display current rates)
%rateoff (Set rates back to x1)
%respawn stop (Stop mobs respawning)
%respawn start (Start mobs respawning)
%itemdrop-rate 6 (ItemDrop_Rate:6 x)
%itemdrop-rate 5 (ItemDrop_Rate:5 x)
%itemdrop-rate 4 (ItemDrop_Rate:4 x)
%itemdrop-rate 3 (ItemDrop_Rate:3 x)
%itemdrop-rate 2 (ItemDrop_Rate:2 x)
%itemdrop-rate 1 (ItemDrop_Rate:1 x)
%expert-rate 6 (Expert_Rate:6 x)
%expert-rate 5 (Expert_Rate:5 x)
%expert-rate 4 (Expert_Rate:4 x)
%expert-rate 3 (Expert_Rate:3 x)
%expert-rate 2 (Expert_Rate:2 x)
%expert-rate 1 (Expert_Rate:1 x)
%force-rate 6 (Force PT Rate: 6 x)
%force-rate 5 (Force PT Rate: 5 x)
%force-rate 4 (Force PT Rate: 4 x)
%force-rate 3 (Force PT Rate: 3 x)
%force-rate 2 (Force PT Rate: 2 x)
%force-rate 1 (Force PT Rate: 1 x)
%exp-rate 6 (Exp_Rate:6 x)
%exp-rate 5 (Exp_Rate:5 x)
%exp-rate 4 (Exp_Rate:4 x)
%exp-rate 3 (Exp_Rate:3 x)
%exp-rate 2 (Exp_Rate:2 x)
%exp-rate 1 (Exp_Rate:1 x)
%mine-rate 6 (Mining Rate: 6 x)
%mine-rate 5 (Mining Rate: 5 x)
%mine-rate 4 (Mining Rate: 4 x)
%mine-rate 3 (Mining Rate: 3 x)
%mine-rate 2 (Mining Rate: 2 x)
%mine-rate 1 (Mining Rate: 1 x)
//Event Commands
%event-info (Display Event rates)
%eventoff (Turn off events)
%event-item (Set event price)
%event-race X (Set event for X race)
%event-mine (Set mine event rates)
%event-expert (Set event rates)
%event-exp (Set event rates)
//Chip Wars
%start holy (start chip war)
%start keeper O (Make HSK appear and he is friendly for bellato)
%start keeper 1 (Make HSK appear and he is friendly for cora)
%start keeper 2 (Make HSK appear and he is friendly for accretia)
%keeper bye (Make HSK die until next CW)
%recallexp # (sets the XP on ALL animus that are put away)
%recallexp 0 (resets all of them to lvl 1)
%recallexp 7500000000 (give you a level 50 pet)
%*<itemcode> (Generate a game item)
%*<itemcode> # (Multiple spawns of a particular item)
%moncall <monstercode> (Example: %moncall MONSTERID It will summon this monster)
%monset ON/OFF (Turn on or off mobs spawning)
%moncall <monstercode> (Example: %moncall MONSTERID It will summon this monster)
%*<item id>
%*iwkna99 = GM Knife
%copy (dunno yet, made my char stuck, and gone from char selection, but came back on relogin)
%cheathelp (no idea)
%fullset (no idea)
%effect clear 1 (no idea)
%effect time 1 (no idea)
%pass dungeon (prolly make u pass the dungeon you entered, lazy to test it)